How to Share Your Faith with Others

How to Share Your Faith with Others

by: Shelby Turner

Each Sunday, we load our family into the car, pull out of the driveway, and exit our neighborhood to head to church. As we drive away, I see my neighbors working in their garden, walking their dogs in loungewear, and cleaning out their garages. Now, I cannot know for certain the status of their faith lives based on their Sunday morning activities. They could be faithful believers in Christ who meet with their church body regularly at another time. But, that Sunday morning drive past my neighbors always reminds me that there's a chance my neighbors do not know Christ, and therefore, my neighborhood is a mission field. These people are in my sphere of influence. Because of that, I am called to be a witness of Christ to them.

Yet, for me, I've found the hardest part of sharing the gospel with my neighbors is knowing where to start. How do I get from a friendly wave and hello at the mailbox to sharing the gospel of Jesus with them? Perhaps you have a similar roadblock to sharing your faith. I'd love to share five simple steps you can take to share your faith.

  • Pray.

Sharing your faith begins with prayer. God is ultimately the One who will draw the unbelievers in your life to faith in Himself. We have to start with asking God to do just that!

If you want to share Jesus with your neighbors, your first step may be to take a daily prayer walk around your neighborhood. If you want to share Jesus with your coworkers, perhaps you could spend five minutes in prayer before entering your workplace.

My personal favorite way to pray for unbelievers is to pray Ephesians 1:17, which says, "I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, would give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him."

  • Intentionally Build Relationships. It's all too easy to live our lives alongside people, butnot with people. Living life alongside a neighbor is waving from a distance. Living life with a neighbor is introducing yourself, getting to know their family, and engaging with them on a regular basis.

If we want to share the life of Jesus with people, we need to be willing to share our lives with them. As our relationships with unbelievers grow, we will see more and more organic opportunities to share the good news of the gospel.

  • Share your story.

One of the most powerful evangelism tools you have is your personal story of coming to faith in Christ. Unbelievers may not initially be interested in discussing Bible verses or spiritual doctrines, but they will likely be willing to hear your story.

Second Timothy 4:2 tells us to always be ready to preach the Word. Part of your reason for hope is your story–the story of God's redemption, faithful love, and salvation given to you.

What would you tell someone who asks why you have put your hope in Jesus? What wonders of God's love and faithfulness have you seen in your life that you can share with them? Take some time to consider these questions and think about how you would share your story with an unbelieving friend.

  • Share the Gospel.

We cannot overlook this step of sharing our faith. In Mark 16:15, Jesus commanded His disciples and us to, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." But, all too often, we are unsure of how to share the gospel with others.

One simple way to share the gospel is by using the Romans Road to Salvation. The Romans Road is a series of five verses found in Romans that walk through each part of the gospel from sin to salvation to eternal peace with God. It is as follows:

Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;

Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 5:8 – But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 10:9 – If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Romans 5:1 – Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you read and talk through each of these verses with an unbeliever, you will have presented the gospel to them.

  • Repeat.

The final step of sharing your faith is to repeat steps one through four as many times as necessary. Evangelism can be a long process. Some studies have shown that, on average, a person hears the gospel message three times before they respond. First Corinthians 3:7 says that while our words and actions plant gospel seeds in people's lives, only God makes them grow. Be faithful to plant seeds and faithful to pray that God will cause them to flourish and bloom. Sharing our faith requires patience, persistence, and reliance on God.

Take a moment to begin praying for someone you desire to believe in Christ and be saved. What is your next step in sharing your faith with them? Is it to build a relationship? Share your story? Or share the gospel? You are called to be a witness for Christ to those around you. May today be the day you obediently step into that calling!

Want to learn more about sharing your faith? We recommend you check out our new study Sharing Our Faith. This new study walks you through the basics of the gospel, how to talk about common objections to Christianity, and how to share your faith in a variety of circumstances. This can help you build your confidence as you learn to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you in sharing your faith with others.

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